Saturday, 8 December 2007

The Florida Necklace

This is the end of this journal. We have been in Florida for 2 months, our holiday this time has been very special , We had a lovely month with Carol and Ron, when we watched the Shuttle take off, we have met so many lovely people and saw some fabulous wild life. We swum in the Atlantic and in the Gulf. In November we immersed ourselves into the culture of Florida, spending a lot of time at festivals, meeting people and making new friends.

The route map of our journey is like a thread that has been weaved through Florida. As we have moved from place to place we have discovered little gems, each one a different shape, colour or texture, maybe a person, a place, a sound. But each one special. Each jewel has been threaded onto journey. We have reached the end of this trip and can look back and see what has become a necklace of precious experiences which will remain with us as we make our long journey home

We are of course on a tour of the whole of the USA, however, we have made lots of lovely friends in Florida, so we are going to stay in Florida for our next break. There is another Shuttle launch, a Hog Roast at the Soggy Bottom Club, another meeting of the WSWFBA, acouple of Bluegrass Festivals and Connie has invited us to her birthday party, and we still haven’t seen the panhandle of Florida yet.

Thank you to all who have patiently read of our travels, we hope that you will join us again on our next adventure.

Friday, 7 December 2007

On Our Long Journey Home

Sunday saw us pack up and head south to East Tampa RV Park, where we washed, cleaned and packed everything away into cupboards, or suitcases. One suitcase was completely full of toys, new clothes and gifts for everyone at Christmas.

We rented a car, stayed in a motel on the Monday night, dropped the trailer and truck off at Bates RV and drove up to Orlando. In what seems to be becoming a tradition we had our last meal at an IHOP, this one on Bronson Highway, Kissemmee. Then drove the car to the airport. Our return flight was quite smooth, its certainly speeds things up to check in on line before hand. We landed back in Manchester at 7.00 in the morning, the car was waiting for us at the airport and we were home by lunchtime. The end of another great time in Florida

The Light Parade in Dade City

Friday – On our visit to Dade City we had discovered that there was to be a parade tonight. A parade of Lights no less. Dade city is a small town of a few thousand people, it is quite rural, it has a main street (called Main St), a town hall, a courthouse, several sheriffs and deputies, a High School and several elementary schools. It is big enough to have a Wal Mart, though not a Super Wal Mart. We were told the parade would start at 7.00, so I took a chair, with Sally in her power chair, and we drove into Dade City. Sally, with her usual panic, wanted to get there about 6.30. we drove into town, up Main St, to find that the street was already lined with people, all with their garden chairs, (most people at public events carry chairs with them and think nothing of sitting down in the street. Most of the bluegrass festivals we went to had no chairs provided, you brought your own), waiting for the parade to start. We parked and went back to Main St and only just managed to find a space to sit. On our left was a large and noisy local family, to our right was a couple who had just arrived from Indiana, behind us was a family with a cheerlead daughter, who had just left one of the high school bands as their principle cheerleader and she gave a running commentary on the bands. Speakers on the roadside kept us informed of the event, with the town mayor doing the commentary. The parade stared early at about 6.50, with a fire engine and police car blaring away. Closely followed by a school marching band, then came the sheriffs on horse back, followed by a little man who collected all the horse droppings. The came all manner of floats, cars, trailers, people, dancers, twirlers, cheerleaders, gymnasts, horses, Golf buggies, Monster trucks, hot rods and carts. There were four school marching bands and a civil war re-enactment society. Each float entered by a business or charity. All were lit up with Christmas lights and every participant seemed to be throwing things in to the crowd, sweets, necklaces, toys. Each wanted to outdo the previous float. There were plenty of kids, who ran out in the road to collect the booty, in a most reckless way, no one seemed to object and saw it as part of the fun of the night. Most of the parade was local, but it went on for 2 hours, until 8.45!!!!. A great night.

The Soggy Bottom Bunch were well under way with jam sessions when we returned, as they wre all weekend, I joined in on some and we had a great weekend. We are now officially paid up members of the Soggy Bottom Bluegrass Club.


. On Tuesday we went to the “Rogers Christmas House and Village” shop, five houses dedicated to Christmas stuff, mostly decorations. This was a lovely piece of escapism for us, though we managed to get away with only spending a few dollars. There is a video on Myspace (not mine)

By Wednesday the gang was stating to drift back to Sertoma, Paula came and invited us to eat at Connie and Jim’s, so we went over and had a bite to eat and a jam session

Thursday – The run up to leaving starts with a load of washing (spare bedding and clothes that were to be left behind. As our tours progress we want to leave more stuff behind, so that we have less to carry backwards and forwards across the Atlantic), so a visit to Dade City was called for, where we there is a launderette and we had a pleasant wander around and a lunch in a garden café, looked a bit greasy spoon, but actually it was very tasty, particularly the pumpkin cake.


The Bluegrass music has died down, the RV’s have gone and we are almost alone at the Sertoma ranch. We have decided to stay on at Sertoma for this week, so that we can take part in the Soggy Bottom Bunch Jam weekend. This will mean that we cut it fine for packing up to come home, but what the heck, we are supposed to be on holiday. However the slower pace this week will allow us to catch up on a few bits, notably Tagging the car and trailer and catching up on Christmas shopping. Tagging the car proved easier than I thought, we just handed over the old receipt and picked up the new tag (plus money changed hands). Joyous news today, Helen had returned to the US Embassy and succeeded in getting a visa to go back to Breckenridge for the winter. So she now plans to be flying out on December 10th