Florida In The Fall - Trip 2 - Fall 2007
Our second trip to the U.S.A. During which we hope to explore more about Florida, its music, its people and its places. This time our friends Carol and Ron are with us.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Saturday, 8 December 2007
The Florida Necklace
This is the end of this journal. We have been in Florida for 2 months, our holiday this time has been very special , We had a lovely month with Carol and Ron, when we watched the Shuttle take off, we have met so many lovely people and saw some fabulous wild life. We swum in the Atlantic and in the Gulf. In November we immersed ourselves into the culture of Florida, spending a lot of time at festivals, meeting people and making new friends.
The route map of our journey is like a thread that has been weaved through
We are of course on a tour of the whole of the USA, however, we have made lots of lovely friends in Florida, so we are going to stay in Florida for our next break. There is another Shuttle launch, a Hog Roast at the Soggy Bottom Club, another meeting of the WSWFBA, acouple of Bluegrass Festivals and Connie has invited us to her birthday party, and we still haven’t seen the panhandle of Florida yet.
Thank you to all who have patiently read of our travels, we hope that you will join us again on our next adventure.
Friday, 7 December 2007
On Our Long Journey Home
Sunday saw us pack up and head south to East Tampa RV Park, where we washed, cleaned and packed everything away into cupboards, or suitcases. One suitcase was completely full of toys, new clothes and gifts for everyone at Christmas.
We rented a car, stayed in a motel on the Monday night, dropped the trailer and truck off at Bates RV and drove up to Orlando. In what seems to be becoming a tradition we had our last meal at an IHOP, this one on Bronson Highway, Kissemmee. Then drove the car to the airport. Our return flight was quite smooth, its certainly speeds things up to check in on line before hand. We landed back in Manchester at 7.00 in the morning, the car was waiting for us at the airport and we were home by lunchtime. The end of another great time in Florida
The Light Parade in Dade City
Friday – On our visit to Dade City we had discovered that there was to be a parade tonight. A parade of Lights no less. Dade city is a small town of a few thousand people, it is quite rural, it has a main street (called Main St), a town hall, a courthouse, several sheriffs and deputies, a High School and several elementary schools. It is big enough to have a Wal Mart, though not a Super Wal Mart. We were told the parade would start at 7.00, so I took a chair, with Sally in her power chair, and we drove into Dade City. Sally, with her usual panic, wanted to get there about 6.30. we drove into town, up Main St, to find that the street was already lined with people, all with their garden chairs, (most people at public events carry chairs with them and think nothing of sitting down in the street. Most of the bluegrass festivals we went to had no chairs provided, you brought your own), waiting for the parade to start. We parked and went back to Main St and only just managed to find a space to sit. On our left was a large and noisy local family, to our right was a couple who had just arrived from Indiana, behind us was a family with a cheerlead daughter, who had just left one of the high school bands as their principle cheerleader and she gave a running commentary on the bands. Speakers on the roadside kept us informed of the event, with the town mayor doing the commentary. The parade stared early at about 6.50, with a fire engine and police car blaring away. Closely followed by a school marching band, then came the sheriffs on horse back, followed by a little man who collected all the horse droppings. The came all manner of floats, cars, trailers, people, dancers, twirlers, cheerleaders, gymnasts, horses, Golf buggies, Monster trucks, hot rods and carts. There were four school marching bands and a civil war re-enactment society. Each float entered by a business or charity. All were lit up with Christmas lights and every participant seemed to be throwing things in to the crowd, sweets, necklaces, toys. Each wanted to outdo the previous float. There were plenty of kids, who ran out in the road to collect the booty, in a most reckless way, no one seemed to object and saw it as part of the fun of the night. Most of the parade was local, but it went on for 2 hours, until 8.45!!!!. A great night.
The Soggy Bottom Bunch were well under way with jam sessions when we returned, as they wre all weekend, I joined in on some and we had a great weekend. We are now officially paid up members of the Soggy Bottom Bluegrass Club.
. On Tuesday we went to the “Rogers Christmas House and Village” shop, five houses dedicated to Christmas stuff, mostly decorations. This was a lovely piece of escapism for us, though we managed to get away with only spending a few dollars. There is a video on Myspace (not mine) http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=21959514
By Wednesday the gang was stating to drift back to Sertoma, Paula came and invited us to eat at Connie and Jim’s, so we went over and had a bite to eat and a jam session
Thursday – The run up to leaving starts with a load of washing (spare bedding and clothes that were to be left behind. As our tours progress we want to leave more stuff behind, so that we have less to carry backwards and forwards across the Atlantic), so a visit to Dade City was called for, where we there is a launderette and we had a pleasant wander around and a lunch in a garden cafĂ©, looked a bit greasy spoon, but actually it was very tasty, particularly the pumpkin cake.
The Bluegrass music has died down, the RV’s have gone and we are almost alone at the Sertoma ranch. We have decided to stay on at Sertoma for this week, so that we can take part in the Soggy Bottom Bunch Jam weekend. This will mean that we cut it fine for packing up to come home, but what the heck, we are supposed to be on holiday. However the slower pace this week will allow us to catch up on a few bits, notably Tagging the car and trailer and catching up on Christmas shopping. Tagging the car proved easier than I thought, we just handed over the old receipt and picked up the new tag (plus money changed hands). Joyous news today, Helen had returned to the US Embassy and succeeded in getting a visa to go back to Breckenridge for the winter. So she now plans to be flying out on December 10th
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Thanksgiving At Sertoma
Thanksgiving at Sertoma starts early. The Ranch provides the turkey and everyone brings a ‘covered dish’ to contribute. They start on Wednesday evening cooking the turkeys in giant BBQ’s. They stay up all night to cook them and people come and go all night to talk and pass the time with the team of cooks. Everyone is welcome to come and get dinner, then the music on the stage stats at about 3.00 and goes on util about 10.00.
Due to the kindness of Connie and Jim we had been invited to the Soggy Bottom Bunch thanksgiving dinner, which was centred round Connie and Jim’s and Brenda and David’s RV’s. Connie had got up at 6.00 to roast a 22b turkey in a giant electric roaster, by 12.00 people were starting to gather at their RV. Everyone helped to set out the food that had been brought. Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, potato salad, hash potato salad, sweet potato stuffing, bread stuffing, two other stuffing’s that were indescribable. Loads of different salads, fresh fruit (yes with your dinner), Cranberry jelly and sauce, apple sauce and pickles. You couldn’t get a sample of everything on a single plate, you had to take at least two turns at the table, Let alone getting a lot of dishes which were particularly nice. After this we had to eat the desserts, apple pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and cherry pie. Brownies and bits.
The real joy was that Connie and Jim had opened their RV/home to us as complete strangers, we almost felt that we were part of their family. The afternoon moved on and we then got round to playing some bluegrass together. We finished at about
Thabksgiving Festival
Wednesday 2 – So Here we are
We arrived at Sertoma Youth Ranch and found our little spot in the park – it is little as well, trailers are crammed in, but everyone is friendly. We setup, had tea I went for a wander, only to stumble on a group of people ‘pickin’, they foolishly asked if I wanted to join them, so I returned for the old guitar and Sally. We were made really welcome by the folks that were gathered there (about a dozen). We got on really well, they even forced me to sing and then wanted more! We got on so well that they invited us back to share Thanksgiving Dinner with them.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Wednesday – Today we leave
Today we leave behind a great 6 days of our vacation. It has been made great by the people we have met here. Little Joe and Dee, ex Tampa Bay cop and his wife, John and Mo, ex Tampa Bay cop and his English wife, Big Joe and Ann and his big boat, from Scott County TN. Jack and Rosie, the Italian Stallion and his lovely wife, Anita and Eddie. Tom and Lucy, from West Chester PA, were strangers like us but we had a great time getting to know them. Most of all Popeye, who drives round on his scooter making everyone welcome, he needs a special thanks for taking us on his boat all the way down to Suwannee and back, a real highlight of our vacation.
Tuesday – A sit around day
Temperature back up to around 80, humidity low, did nothing but sit round. Sit round the trailer, sit round the washing machine and dryers, sit round the swimming pool, sit round the campfire. – another great
Down the Suwannee
Well, we made it. All the way to the mouth of the
Exploring the Suwannee
Yesterday Popeye again took us on the river on his boat, with some other friends, Tom and Lucy. We again went up river to the
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Saturday – Manatee Springs
Today we planned to visit
After returning to the car we went shopping for food and had a look at the Christmas decorations in Wal-Mart, some of them are very attractive.
We had decided to invite Popeye to dinner with us, but as soon as we came back to the campsite we were ourselves invited to a chicken dinner by the crowd who had made us so welcome. So we have spent a very pleasant evening round the campfire chatting and eating their baked chicken with rice and bean casserole. Once again we are overwhelmed by their hospitality and generosity, although we did manage to entice them into sharing our cherry pie, which we had just bought from Winn-Dixie.Saturday, 17 November 2007
Thursday Moving on down the Suwannee
White Springs (Hi Walter) is a lovely town, but having been there for almost a week it was time to move on. We had really enjoyed being at Kelly’s RV, where they had made us very welcome.
The decision was where to next. We know we have to be down at
Friday, 16 November 2007
Wednesday Suwannee River State Park
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Day in White Springs
About an hour and a half later we wandered down to see the remains of the sulphur spring which had been very popular in the early part of the 20th century. The high concrete walls still remain although the spring has not flowed for at least 15 years - caused by the water table dropping. We then went to the local hotel for a buffet lunch. What a fascinating place - built in 1903 out of stones from the river and bricks imported from Georgia- full of old furniture and artifacts. They had, in showcases, ledgers with guest signatures, one being Theo Roosevelt signed in 1913. We were allowed to go up to see some of the guest rooms - it was like taking a step back in time - rooms with high ceilings, wooden walls and period furniture. Very nice. Not bad value at all - £10 for us both (including tip), for as much as you could eat of Southern cooking - corn bread, grits, fried chicken, chicken pot pie, banana dessert and fruit pies to name but a few of the dishes on offer.The salad bar was excellent.
We came back to the trailer for a rest as we are still tired after the hectic weekend.
Florida Folk Festival - a Warning
Sunday – Florida Folk Festival Day 3

Started with a visit to the
dler. Following lunch we planned to do a couple of jam sessions, the first was a gospel jam, followed by a ‘State Park Rangers Florida Song Jam’. As we were sat a number of Rangers (they run the State Parks, nice green military style uniform) arrived with instruments and more or less surrounded us. We thought that they would do a few campfire songs as the only way they could get to perform was to book their own workshop for the folk festival. How wrong we were, each of the Rangers took it in turns to perform, many of them songs they had written themselves. The standard was very high and dispelled completely the notion that Rangers were just ‘suits’.
The one place we had not visited was the ‘Riverside Gazebo’ Stage. This is Gazebo (open sided) built right down by the
The evening was filled with more dancing for me and the final concert for Sally. By 8.30 we were both absolutely worn out and came back to the Trailer.
We had enjoyed a fabulous musical weekend. We had met a lot of very nice people, too numerous to mention, but if they read this blog, thanks a lot for being so friendly.
Saturday – Florida Festival Day 2
As we got so cold last night, we prepared ourselves even better for this evening, and took the quilt from the spare bed with us to the festival. The days have been beautiful, warming gently and by
As we parked, Mary parked next to us and that started a good conversation with her and her friends. I wandered off to watch the Cajun workshop, but it was too crowded to join in, nice music though. Sally beetled off to watch the Irish dancing. I went to learn more about Bluegrass Jamming Etiquette from ‘Doctor Donna’, very interesting. After the session we met up with
After our picnic, we went to an ‘Old Time Music’ Jam session. Now to the undiscerning eye Old Time Music (OTM) is the same as
It was fun and much more like band sessions with The Ridings. I had a good chat with a really nice fiddler called Ellis, who was local to White Springs (Hi Walter, [I will explain to others later]) and has a horse so he takes part in the Olustee re-enactment as a cavalry man.
In wandering around various stages, we met another lovely couple called Pete and Lou. Pete plays the fiddle and is ardently an OTM man, so I was able to find out a bit more about it. It seems that bluegrass is an offshoot of OTM, starting with Bill Monroe in 1946. OTM tries to keep to original tunes from the 17th to 19th century.
We now had a few moments to search out Walter and Merri,( the people who had invited us to their party via a comment on the blog) as he had said that he could be found at the Beer Tent. Merri was not there, but Walter welcomed us warmly and we had a pleasant chat for a bit. It seems that he found our blog because he lives in White Springs (Hi Walter) and has linked to Google to send him an email every time his town is mentioned and as we mentioned our arrival earlier this week, he very kindly invited us to meet him.
Over dinner we again, by coincidence, sat with Gene and Deanna and got along really well. He had been working in
I then disappeared to the Contra dance in the evening. Had a really good time. All the dances are long ways dances with two couple sets, with one couple (the inactive couple facing, or contra to, the active couple) and they are all progressive, with you keep with your own partner. It was great fun. In the first dance I danced with a girl from
Sally (warmly wrapped in the quilt) went to the evening concert at the Amphitheatre and listened to some good music. After the dance I took Sally back to the Trailer and then returned to the festival campground for the jam sessions. It was an amazing experience, walking through the campground, pitch black, no street lights, subdued light from the tents and RV’s crammed in together, every few yards a space with the glow of a campfire, with perhaps a dozen people huddled round, singing or playing, drinking or talking. As you walk through the campground the sound perspective changes every few yards, distant singing, or close up instruments, banjo, bass, fiddle, fading and swelling as you walk through. It put me in mind of what a civil war encampment may have been like. Had a good time jamming round one of the campfires, with some of the members of Briar Pickers and others. A very good day.
Friday Florida Folk Festival Day 1
The day started early and cold. We have hit a cold spell. The temperature at night is dropping to almost freezing and we are not prepared for cold weather, so we have had to sleep with the heating on, but we got as many warm clothes as we could carry for the anticipated cold evening ahead. We arrived as early as we could.
The programme is a 56 page booklet describing the performances on 15 stages at half hour intervals plus the craft, environmental and food activities. So we just took it as it came.
Our first stop was for Appalachian Clog dancing, very nice. I tried a bit, but rubber soled trainers do not make for easy movement on the floor. This was followed by catching up with some friends we had found at the Withlacoochee Festival, known as the Briar Pickers. They are a very nice 6 piece band who play a variety of good music, much of it of British origin. After that we had a wander round, looking at the food and craft stalls, having a hot drink and talking to some people from
Although there are many food concession stands in the festival, the main meals are provided by a number of local churches. Each church has a small section of a large canopied building. You can get a complete main meal for $5.50 (now about £2.60). They cook most of the food at home and bring it in for the festival eaters. They all serve a similar menu of ‘Southern Comfort’ cooking. Fried chicken, chicken and veg cooked with pilaf rice (pronounced pee-laf), chicken with dumplings (imagine a pale yellow chicken casserole with large, but empty ravioli pillows), shrimp gumbo (shrimp in a vegetable and tomato sauce, mixed with rice), or smoked ribs. All of which come with 2 sides, or vegetables. Collards (anything from turnip tops to chopped spring greens), black eyed peas, sweet potatoes, beets (beetroots), mash, field peas, baked beans (smoked and very sweet). Followed by sweet potato or pecan pie.
After our culinary treat we returned to the Heritage stage where I was able to take enjoy doing (yes doing) some contra dances, which Sally watched for a while before going to the evening concert. I was knackered, but it was great fun. I then joined Sally to watch a brilliant guitarist called Sam Paccetti. By about 8.30 we were too cold (yes too cold !!!!!!!) to stay any longer.
During the day, we, of course, ran into a number of people to talk to. It’s funny how even with a large number of people you will often see the same people again and again. We had run into a very nice couple at Withlacoochee Festival, Harvey and Jane. They had introduced us to their band, The Briar Pickers, and we kept seeing them as they moved from venue to venue. In the evening they played the music for the Contra dance and they very kindly gave us the CD of their music and the music they play for the Battle of Olustee Re-enactment. Very enjoyable it is too.
We shared a meal table with a very nice couple from Melbourne (East coast
You may have noticed that, in our comments on the blog, we had an invitation to a party from Walter and Merri. When we drove home, we passed the house, but were too cold and tired to stop and join in, but decided we would make contact later on.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Florida Folk Festival - A Warning
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Terry getting up close and personal with the wildlife
Later, we were tramping round a trail at Olustree ( will explain all later) when I noticed that Terry had some spider web trailing from his sweatshirt. As I mentioned this, Terry turned round and I screamed as I saw a very large - at least two inches wide - spider sitting on his chest - Terry nearly had a panic attack as he frantically brushed the spider off and he was dancing up and down as I sat shuddering. Spiders are my pet hate!!!! Terry always laughs at me when I get him to remove any spiders at home, but I didn't see him laughing this time!! So, Ron does not have the monopoly of getting up close and personal with the Florida wildlife any more!!
Olustree is a fascinating State Park. It commemorates a battle ( the largest in Florida) between the Confederates and the Union during the Civil War. Over 10,000 soldiers were involved, The Union losing nearly 2,000 and the Confederates losing about 900. The Confederates won this battle in 1864, as the Union were trying to stop Floridians sending beef, salt and other supplies to their army further North. Unfortunately, it didn't affect the final outcome of the Civil War in 1865.
I always feel that war is so futile when you consider the vast number of people affected by war, soldiers and their families etc. But, I suppose, you cannot alter man's inability to coexist peaceably with his neighbour, when some people want power and to take over what other's have.
Today, Thursday, we have had a very quiet day, reading, doing the washing and soaking up some lovely sun. We had a quick reccy. round the State Park where the festival is being held, to suss things out. A peaceful day.
Oops - Dropshots address was wrong
Mostly it is pictures of sunsets/rises that I have taken. I will try to add more.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Shopping day
Today we shopped for food for the week and weekend as are planning to be at the Florida Folk Festival on Friday, Sat and Sunday and don't expect to have time for shopping in case we miss anything! We have bought an electric fan heater to save using the propane gas as electricity is already paid for in the campsite fees and I (Sally ) bought some warm clothes as I only had a limited supply of warmer things. Carol, you would be OK if you were here now - you could wear the things you found too hot!!!!
We found an IHOP, International House of Pancakes, and had lunch there, having pancakes, of course, as pudding after having siloin tips with onions and mushrooms, with hash browns and eggs first. Delicious!
We might go down to the camp fire tonight - the owners of the park light a huge bonfire each evening at the fire circle and it's a good way of meeting other campers.There is also a hall for socialising in and they have a library where I can exchange books. Carol and I had taken books to exchange but didn't manage to find a site where we could do this.
All in all a very quiet day.
Bonfire Night
Just realised that it's Bonfire Night in the UK and we are missing our usual trip to Stockton Riverside to see the firework display. Shame!!!!
We have moved up North to a little place called White Springs in order for us to attend The Florida Folk Festival next weekend. It's being held at the Steven Foster State Park - now who's Steven Foster I hear you say - well he's the chap who wrote the song 'Suwannee, how I love ya, how I love ya, my dear ol'Suwannee', 'Way down upon the Suwannee River', and surprisingly 'Beautiful Dreamer'.
On our way to get some information from the State Park, after we had set up camp, we went over the bridge spanning the Suwannee River. It was quite something to actually see the river we've sung about so often. Actually, it was just a typical small river like so many others in Florida - edged with pretty trees, but exciting never the less.
There was a fascinating old wooden building dating from 1865 in the centre of White Springs. It was a two storey construction and looked just like the buldings you see in westerns but painted white instead. We realised it must have been built at the end of the Civil War and was a store as the original sign was just about visible painted onto the front.
White Springs is so small that it doesn't even have anywhere to eat out, so we drove (about 10 miles)down to White Lake for a steak.
Monday, 5 November 2007
Withlacoochee Bluegrass Festival
We have come to Nunnellon to join in with the famous Withlacoochee Bluegrass Festival. We have been able to meet up with our friends Don and Sandy, who introduced us to the Log Cabin.
We really enjoyed the music and are starting to appreciate the quality of some of the singing. It is difficult to single out any band in particular, but a group called David Peterson and The 1946 Band were so good that we actually bought all their CD’s.
Another band called the Gary Waldrop Band sang with some beautiful harmonies. The headline band was the Grascals, who were also excellent. We found some new friends in Leon and Margaret, who were sat behind us. He is from Melton Mowbray, but his mother ws from Middlesbrough ! and she is from Germany. Hi to both of you if you are reading this blog.
I had to spend time taking photo’s of the sunsets and sunrises, though I don’t feel that I managed to capture the beauty of the place. Because the campground was on the edge of the river some lucky campers were able to have their rig right on the waters edge. When I talked to some of them I discovered that to get the waterside pitches you had to more or less inherit them, one lady I spoke to had been coming when the pitch was used by her mother, she got it when her mother died. Some people have been coming to this festival for more than 20 years. The ground is only used during the 2 festivals it has each year in March and November. Sally and I both agree that this has been the best Bluegrass event we have been to.
A travelling life means that we have to move on and sadly we have had to say goodbye to Don and Sandy on Sunday night. Because we are going to travel north soon it is unlikely that we will ever see them again. They have both been ever so friendly and made us feel very welcome as strangers in a strange land. I know that you both will be reading this at some time, so even if we do not see you again you we will remember you in our hearts for a long time, and who can predict the twists and turns of life that await us. We may yet meet you again, even if it is over the internet.
Goodbye to Ron and Carol
Wednesday saw us having pancakes for breakfast and a leisurely time as Ron and Carol packed their cases and we drove down to
Tuesday: Oktoberfest in The Villages
As it would be Ron and Carol’s last full day we tried to reamin laid back and not plan too much.
So at 8.30 I took Ron onto the water in a canoe, where we paddled round the reeds and banks looking for alligator, we found one large one resting on the bank. Ron of course wanted to go up to it and pat it on the head, but thankfully the alligator knew of the dangers of this and as we approached it slowly sank back into the water. Still it was nice to be down at the water level looking at the wildlife. Ron professed to not have canoed since childhood, but he was pretty handy with the paddle.
After breakfast we were forced to get in the truck and go down to Grumpy’s for an ice cream. This is the local ice cream parlour and we each had a small cone, which we just about managed to finish. A quick smooch round some shops for last minute presents meant that it was now time for a late lunch. We had decided on the Oakwood Smokehouse and Grill, a well known eatery in these parts. The girls had the Oakwood Special Chicken and we lads had to suffer the 12oz New York Strip Steak. Our steak duly arrived, but not with the chicken, still they said it would be along in a bit, some little mix up at the chef’s end. After about a minute the manager came and apologized, and offered us another drink (declined) and the chicken then appeared, the manager continued her apology, though it didn’t seem particularly bad service, as we were all able to eat together. Both the chicken and steaks were excellent. At which point the manager returned, aplogised again and said that we would not be charged for the chicken meals, because of the poor service. We didn’t complain.
After lunch we took a leisurely drive to The Villages, because today was Oktoberfest 07. This meant a parade down the main street and round the square, a band in the square, lots of concession stands and a general German Feel to the day.
We took our place on the roadside and watched as the parade came past, led by a black and white (sheriff’s car) from the 50’s wailing out its siren, a pair of shire horses and cart with the frau’s in blouses and chaps in lederhosen, followed by an ‘Oompah Band’. This was closely followed by The Villages Cheerleaders (none of them under 60 I am sure, but all wearing miniskirts and tight top), a variety of decorated golf carts, mostly with German flags, driven by more blouses and lederhosen carrying big steins. Then came the Twirlers (batten twirlers, yes all appeared over 60, short skirts, high heels and high kicking all the way down mainstreet), more golf buggies, then The Villages Cloggers (we would probably call them tap dancers) (yes all appeared over 60, short skirts, tapping and high kicking all the way down mainstreet), more golf buggies. Another group followed who were the ‘Bavarian Mothers of Marrion County’. At the rear a Lone Piper, skirling away (?). All good fun.
We followed the parade to the packed town square, where the ‘Oompah Band’ had installed itself on the bandstand and were underway with all manner of German Beer Drinking songs. Which as the evening drew on featured such Keller swinging greats as
Footnote: The Villages
The Villages (sorry to repeat myself from the previous journeys blog) is a community which has been designed and built for the over 50’s. It’s population is now about 100,000. It features such things as a network of golf buggy roads, so you don’t need to drive anywhere, it has a very active social programme, there are more than 250 clubs and associations. It also has the town square (well 2 actually, but we only use one at a time). We were visiting Lake Sumter Landings. The town square is the focal point of The Villages. It has the surreal feel of being a cross between Main St Disney, The Truman Show and The town center set for Back to the Future. Streets and pavements are immaculate, lots of trees and flower beds, The shops and houses are pastel coloured shutter board construction, with veranda style frontage over the sidewalks, the Villages Radio is played from speakers mounted in lampposts, there are very few cars, but dozens of golf carts, everyone you meet makes eye contact and says ‘hi’, which is an invitation to stop and spend a few minutes passing the time of day. There are expensive shops and reasonable restaurants. There are 2 main streets that are not much more than 100 yards long, which come into the square. On one side is the lake (large, but quite artificial), boardwalk, pier, non-working, but visually attractive sail barge and lighthouse ( at about 50 miles possibly the most distant lighthouse from the sea). The town square itself is surrounded by trees, little raised areas, with chairs on, bordered with flowers and greenery and some booths where you can get a drink. In the square there is a band stand and a couple of hundred patio chairs strategically placed so that you can just sit and relax. Many of the buildings round the square are cafes o r bars which have outdoor seating anyway. When you enter the square you feel that the pace of life has just gone down below walking speed. This is a natural meeting place, encouraged by having a band play on the bandstand. Everyday between 4.00 and 9.00 you can go down and listen to the band, have a drink, dance (couple or line dance, or just do your own thing), chat, or just watch the sun go down over the lake.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Monday - Homosassa Spring State Park
Today we drove over to
We also went to the animal encounter and all touched a Virginia Opossum and a large Indigo Snake.
Returned home weary but had a steak BBQ, which we ate outside, with a campfire, but had to come in sharply when we had a quick shower of rain. It is now much cooler, Sally had to put on a cardigan briefly. I don't know if that is good or bad.
Sunday Move to Lake Griffin State Park
Up bright and early today to pack up and move on to Lake Griffin, a campground that Sally and I had been to before and very much enjoyed. The journey went very smoothly and we set up in plenty of time to relax, walk around the park, shop, to sit out, have a BBQ, a campfire and a sing around. We even had time to phone the kids!! Who all seem to be well (poor Emma has an upset stomach though).
Saturday - KS Day 2
We have just spent an excellent day at the KSC, this time we concentrated on the Shuttle and the Imax cinema. We had a tour round a full scale model of the shuttle and it is surprisingly large inside. The Imax cinema showed 2 3D films, one about building the space station and the other about what people did on the moon. It was very realistic. Carl and Ron went to meet a shuttle astronaut, we had a cup of tea.
The weather was pleasantly warm, so in the evening we had a beefburger BBQ and a sing around, before retiring to bed in preparation for our move on tomorrow.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Kennedy Space Center
Today we all visited the
We are retuning on Saturday to see the rest of the
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Getting a view on Dropshots
On Safari Again
Today we wanted to see more of the
Moving on from there we called in at the
We were also hoping to see Roseate Spoonbill. We had a casual conversation with a lady in a car coming the other way. When we mentioned this she, somewhat condescendingly said something like “Oh you poor dullwitted foreigner. My dear boy, its far too early for Spoonbills”. 100 yards after she passed us Carol spotted a Roseate Spoonbill flying by (yes I have the photo evidence to prove it). This was a very enjoyable day, although a bit long and tiring.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Tuesday - Discovery is Launched

Well we have seen it. This morning we went down to the water side with our chairs and binoculars and cameras and settled down to watch the shuttle Discovery take off at
If Sally feels well enough we plan to tour the space centre this week. In the afternoon we went to
Monday, 22 October 2007
Move up the Coast to Titusville
We packed up and headed north to
Washing Day
Today we intended to relax and recover, but we also did a laundry wash, which was quite exhausting as it is still warmer than it should be for the time of year. I don’t know whether to complain or not!
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Saturday night out at The Log Cabin

It was quite a special evening.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
We had asked the local rangers for a good place to eat, the consensus seemed to be that ‘Harry and The Natives’ was The Place to eat, so off we went. There was a fabulous sky, it had been building all afternoon. Half the sky (inland) was filled with a huge thunder cloud, while the other half (coast side) was still blue and clear. The cloud was slowly moving towards the coast, against the wind. It filled the sky, not because it was over us, but because it went so high. We could see lightning in the distance. We had a lovely meal at Harry and the Natives. It seemed to be a bit of a local institution, it had been there since about the fifties, run by Harry’s Mum (who still worked there part time, at 93). It had been a cafĂ©, a motel a gas station and then back to a restaurant, all under the same ownership. The food was good as well. Carol and Ron had a Philly Steak Sandwich each, with salad as a ‘side’, (which always comes before, not along side), Which Carol says was more like a meal for six, Sally had a chicken breast coated with bourbon sauce and crushed pecan nuts, while I had a Prime rib beef. While we were eating the storm broke and the heavens opened.
The puds were not so good, still you can’t have everything (why not?). We had to wait for the rain to slow before we could get back to our car, which would have meant walking about 10 feet in the open, we would have been soaked.
We came back and watched the John Candy film ‘The Great Outdoors’ which I had found when we were in Wal-Mart. We all found it very funny, especially after our experiences with Racoons.
Today we explored the Amazon. We took the boat trip up the Loxahachee River, through mangrove swamp and cypress groves, where live mythical beasts such as alligator and manatee, trouble was we didn’t see them, finally stopping at Trapper Nelson’s Cabin, whre we given the tour of this isolated dwelling which has remained pretty well untouched since Wildman Trapper Nelson died there in 1968. He lived as a trapper there from 1928. It was quite fascinating. In the afternoon we hit the beach to look at Blowing Holes – an outcrop of oolitic limestone which has eroded to allow the waves to push up through a blow hole, though the tide was not quite right for it to work properly. After this we dropped into Wal-mart, just to look around. On the way back we stopped and looked at a gopher tortoise that was walking by the side of the road. We had a pork chop BBQ. We finished just in time to jump into the van and go down to the boat ramp to watch the sunset over the
A quiet day to day – Carol wasn’t feeling too grand – she had a migraine. We went out after lunch to for a spot of shopping and to find a wi-fi hotspot. We decided that the Panera Bread shop would be best. Unfortunately I had programmed Mary incorrectly so it was more difficult to find than it should have been. This led to a certain amount of tension between Sally and I, still we sorted it eventually and had a nice cup of coffee and a goodie before we all went shopping for supper. Carol made us a scrummy shepherds pie. It was too humid to sit out so we had a quiet sing around in the van. Not one of our best days.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Tuesday - The Big Chill
The pace of life just dropped about 9 points. (don’t know what that means, but we have slowed down). We had a day doing very little,
We sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
Had a cuppa, - and sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
Had pancakes for breakfast, and sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
We had a shower and sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
Wephoned some of our families as we sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
We put up the gazebo, sat inside it (just to check it out) and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
We had a snack lunch as we sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life,
Then we climbed aboard the truck and cruised for an afternoon safari to the concession stand (about 100 yards), where we bought an ice cream and firewood and came back sat outside and read, chatted and looked at the wild life.
We had burgers on the BBQ and as we ate them we sat outside, chatted and looked at the wild life .
We lit the campfire and had a great time as we sat into the night, inside the gazebo and drank a beer or a glass of wine, played the instruments, sang a few songs and put logs onto the campfire.
Ron has read half a book, Carol has read half a shelf (Although she has thought a lot about some films, such as Deliverance and Psycho (We bought the Trailer from Bates RV, though we haven’t stayed in a motel yet), and Sally has finished one book. Terry has read several T-shirts. We are now looking forward to relaxing in the backwoods for a week.
Movin’ On. (After Carol Had Said A Fond Farewell To Our Little Alligator Which Had Spent The Weekend less than 50 Metres From Our Trailer)
[Please note: I am not at all concerned about Carol and the Alligator, at least no more than I am about Ron and the Frog, (who by the way Carol thinks is still ugly. {No we will not comment on which one})]
This morning we had a little jam session of our own with Sandy and Don, they were really interested to hear some of the British Folk music which Carol and Ron sang, they even recorded a bit of Carrick Fergus.
We then hitched up the wagon and set sail for
Still we didn’t hang around and arrived at