Monday, 8 October 2007


I hear you ask what is a ‘fogger’. After a while one gets so used to the technologies available that you use jargon without even thinking about it.

We have found that there are at least 4 different ways to get rid of bugs etc.

First what sort of bugs are there?

  • Fire ants – medium sized, but very nippy (literally), live in a hole in the ground and you don’t want to step on the nest.
  • Sweet Ants – almost microscopic, seem to be mostly harmless (though someone said that about The Earth once), but annoying because they are there in strange places.
  • Grease Ants – don’t know (don't want to know) what they are, but I’ve now got the poison to get rid of them.
  • Cockroaches – Don’t bite, but they are ……. Well, cockroaches. Yuk!
  • Fruit fly type things that get in and produce loads of little fruit flies and eggs and things.
  • Fleas – quite common, but we haven’t had them…. Yet.
  • Chiggers (pron. Jiggers) little tiny beasties that bite and hold and then lose their head – in you.
  • Moths – they just reproduce and caterpillars eat anything.
  • Hornets – really nasty, huge, waspy things with dangly legs, that make you duck as they come flying by. They build paper nests anywhere.

Well that will do for the moment.

Getting rid of them.

  1. Long term: Bait stations, little plastic boxes with poison bait in them, the bugs come and take the food back to their nest and it kills the bugs, including the queen.
  2. Short term – Raid spray, or Go Bug spray – shoot and kill, spray and they die – they can kill a hornet at up to 30ft!
  3. Drastic – The Fogger. Sometimes called a bomb. An aerosol spray tht you place in a room, seal it up, pull the pin and retire quickly. Leave it alone for 6 hours and then flush away the gas. Kills almost anything in the room, under carpets, in crannies, or cushions. Seems very effective (at least on the ants in our truck.
  4. The Final solution – The Rolled Up Newspaper.

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